Day 2: After the Rain

Day 2: After the Rain

Day 2: After the Rain

Canon EOS R5 | Canon RF100mm F2.8 L MACRO IS USM
1/100 sec | f/2.8 | 3200 ISO

Why did you take this photo?

I still hadn't planned what types of photos I wanted to focus on during the project, so I just went outside and took a photo of whatever looked remotely interesting. It was approaching dusk, and the outdoor lights had started to come on. Some raindrops caught my eye, and I did my best to capture them in the fading light. Usually, after the rain, the trees glitter like they're made from diamonds, but the light was so low tonight, there wasn't much glittering to be done for this photo. 

How was this photo taken?

This photo is a snapshot, taken without prior planning. It was taken handheld with manual focus in natural, low lighting. 

Did I learn anything? Would I do anything different next time?

I used manual focus for this shot, which was extremely tricky, and ultimately the raindrop was not as sharp as I wanted. If I do more manual focus shots, I should probably dig out the tripod. I notice some lens distortion that I struggled to get rid of in post-production, possibly because of the higher ISO. Next time, I'll use a larger aperture so that all the green branch of the tree is in focus. 

This is day 2 of 100 of The 100 Day Project, in which I commit to take and post a new photo from with my camera (not cellphone) every day. Follow my creative journey on via blog or Instagram.

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