Day 1: Cozy Winter Vibe

Day 1: Cozy Winter Vibe

Day 1: Cozy Winter Vibe

Canon EOS R5 | Canon RF100mm F2.8 L MACRO IS USM
1/100 sec | f/2.8 | 2000 ISO

Why did I take this photo?

I knew I wanted to participate in the 100 Days Project, but I hadn't yet put much thought into the images I would be creating. Needing to at least do something to get started, I walked outside, camera in hand, to see this cozy scene: Denis reading A Man's Search for Meaning by the fire with the neighborhood tabby cat snuggled on his lap. It was a lovely, peaceful moment, I'm so glad to have captured it!

How was this photo taken?

This photo is a snapshot, taken without prior planning. It was taken handheld with natural, low lighting. 

Did I learn anything? Would I do anything different next time?

I feel like the photo turned out nicely, and I love the warm, hygge feel. However, the flames of fire did end up being blown out. In a scene with this complex lighting, I'm not sure I could have prevented that, other than making a composite scene with multiple exposures. 

This is day 1 of 100 of The 100 Day Project, in which I commit to take and post a new photo from with my camera (not cellphone) every day. Follow my creative journey on via blog or Instagram.

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